Friday, October 8, 2010

A more robust doesNotUnderstand:?

Smalltalk makes it really convenient to write code in the debugger. So, how I often work is as follows:

  1. Write a rough skeleton that calls "self fail" at some point.
  2. Write a unit test that calls the skeleton with real data.
  3. Finish the skeleton in the debugger, where I have test data right at hand to see if things work as intended.

Well, that's alright as far as it goes, but you can't work like that with doesNotUnderstand: methods.

doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
self fail.

If you now call a non-existing method on an object of a thus modified class, you've built an endless recursion that is so close to the VM that you can't get into a debugger anymore.

Smalltalk's doesNotUnderstand: method is a dangerous superpower. And perhaps that's why just about nobody overwrites it in a standard Pharo image.

Open problems

Do you know a more robust implementation?
  • Non-existing calls inside the handler for such should be caught, I think.
  • It should work nicely with code completion. (Code completion seems to be an integral part of just about every current approach to help programmer's productivity, so it better work nice.)

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